9:27 am Less than 15 minutes later. Dressed and ready to go! |
9:43 am The partial landing at the first staircase. Now not with graduation cards and birthday cards (2 years ago), it's filled with xmas cards. The only xmas spirit in our house this year because my dad went on strike. Ok, next year, I will have more spirit! |
10:05 am Pictures of my sister and me in the living room. Awww...when we were young! |
10:05 am All the bags and things I am taking to San Francisco. How did this all accumulate over xmas? |
10:51 am Hazy morning. Now in the Mission district, driving down Valencia. Now at 14th. Taxis, buses, cars and motorcycles... |
11:45 am But before we go, check out my pillow room/library. My roommate has a lot of books. But being me, I wanted my pillow room. Oh yes and I have a huge tarepanda.
11:47 am At the gate outside my door. There's a silver BMW 300 series parked right outside at that meter. I see that every morning and it always...makes me hold my breath. Is it? But it isn't. |
12:10 pm I take the BART downtown and walk up past Union Square. Decorations for Christmas is still up. Next to palm trees, trolleys, and Saks! |
1:37 pm Got a new dentist. Like any hipsters, I yelped him. I needed a sensitive, understanding dentist. And amazingly he was. I didn't walk out with pain and rejection. |
2:15 pm Taking the escalator out of the BART station in the mission. |
2:15 pm A look back at the Mission station. It's wonderful how they have the sculptures here... Now that my afternoon is open, what to do! |
3:09 pm Back at my apartment, I im Shroom to bug him about the DG. |
3:19 pm I check my mailbox and find out that I got something from Stephanie! Yay! I can't wait to see her...soon! |
3:48 pm I start vacuuming. My angela adams rug is shedding and needs a pick-me-up. Is dust supposed to gather up like that in the vacuum? I don't know...but it looks cool. |
4:37 pm My perfect parallel parking job. I did it in one swoop. (Little did I know that I would have a difficult time parallel parking later in a very easy spot...) |
7:41 pm I make my dinner. Chicken, potatoes, apples, bell peppers...and my dazzle of spices and sauce. Into the oven it goes at 450 degrees. Will it turn out perfect? We shall see! |
8:20 pm The after picture! Done? I eat one chicken and I find it's a bit raw. So I sprinkle more sugar over everything and shove it back into the oven. |