September 13, 2003

about the girl: I am Jenn. A 21 year old attending UC Berkeley. More STALKERISH INFO available at THE BLOG

other photologgers: • LeleShroom

8:02 am Ugh, wake up early ON A SATURDAY MORNING. I saunter downstairs where my mom has made me a milkshake using fresh watermelon. <3 mommy!

8:03 am My sister still in her nightgown (somehow she put her contacts on really fast) is not that awake either.

8:07 am I am ready. Tired and stuff.

9:37 am At the food bank. The guy in orange is Xing's friend that she made online @ Friendster!

9:38 am We're labeling unmarked Del Monte peaches.

9:47 am more cans!

11:10 am Taking a break!

11:11 am My flip flops. I guess I was supposed to have worn sneakers.